2nd Grade Place Value Worksheets

2nd Grade Place Value Worksheets

Place Value Worksheets - 2nd Grade Introduction

Place value is the understanding that the digits in a number derive their value from the place they are in. For example, the 8 in 80 has a value of 8 tens, but the 8 in 78 has the value of 8 ones. Students work with place value will help them make sense of regrouping when they learn to add and subtract two- and three-digit numbers.

(See all 2nd Grade Math Worksheets)

Worksheets (all activites are free, printable PDFs)

Place Value Worksheets - 2nd Grade - Represent Numbers with Base-Ten Blocks

The key to understanding place value is knowing that the digits in a number have a different value depending on their place. This set of practice problems gives students the opportunity to visualize that aspect by using blocks. The tens blocks are 10 times larger than the ones blocks, just as a digit in the tens place is 10 times the value of the same digit in the ones place. The same relationship exists between the hundreds and tens blocks. Also, a greater familiarity with base-ten blocks will make it easier for students to use these blocks to model addition and subtraction.

Represent 1 Hundred as a Bundle of 10 Tens

In this set of worksheets, students will practice representing 1 hundred as 10 tens. They will be shown a number of tens to represent a multiple of 100.


Represent 100 to 900 as a Number of Hundred Blocks

Students will practice identifying numbers being represented with base-ten blocks. This set of worksheets focuses on identifying hundreds being shown with blocks.


Three Digit Number Modeled With Blocks

Students will look at the number modeled with base-ten blocks and will record the number that it represents.


Draw a Model to Represent a 3-Digit Number

Students will be asked to draw a model of base-ten blocks to represent any three-digit number.


Present 3-Digit Number Modeled with Blocks

Students will look at the given number modeled with base-ten blocks and will determine which number is being represented. One ten will be shown as ten ones.


Present 3-Digit Number with Base-Ten Blocks

Students will view each set of base-ten blocks and will determine what number each model represents. One hundred will be shown as ten tens.  2.NBT.A.1

Draw 3-Digit Numbers with Blocks

Students will look at the given three-digit number and will be asked to draw a representation of that number modeled with base-ten blocks.


Place Value Worksheets - 2nd Grade - Place Value of Three-Digit Numbers

In this set of worksheets, students will practice representing three-digit numbers using place value. They will continue to use what they know to identify the hundreds, tens, and ones of each given number. For example, the number 706 would be represented as 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones.

Represent Any 3-Digit Number

Students will use what they know about place value to represent any three-digit number. For example, 538 would be represented as 5 hundreds, 3 tens, and 8 ones.



Place Value Worksheets - 2nd Grade - Skip Counting

Students will use what they know to practice skip counting by 1s, 5s, 10s, and 100s. This flexibility in counting is a great foundation for place value and mental math. This skill will also be helpful when students learn multiplication facts.

Count by 1s

Students will read each given number and will count forward by 1s.


Count by 5s

Students will read each given number and will practice skip counting by 5s.


Count by 10s

Students will identify the given number and practice skip counting by 10s.


Count by 100s

Students will look at the given number and count forward by 100s.



Place Value Worksheets - 2nd Grade - Read and Write Numbers to 1000

Learning to read and write numbers up to 1000 is an important part of 2nd grade math. Recognizing different ways to represent values improves the flexibility of student thinking and makes it easier for them to compute with greater numbers. Students will be asked to complete worksheets that focus on the expanded form and number names of two-digit and three-digit numbers.

Using Number Names

Students will look at each problem and write either the number name or the expanded form of the given numbers.


Using Expanded Form

Students will look at the problem and write either the expanded form or the number name of the given number.


Place Value Worksheets - 2nd Grade - Compare Two 3-Digit Numbers

Students will better their understanding of place value as they work through these worksheets focusing on comparing numbers. Comparing using place value allows students to look at the hundreds, tens, and ones of each number and decide which is greater based on their knowledge. In this particular activity, students will use symbols to compare numbers, such as the greater than symbol (>) and the less than symbol (<).

Compare Using Symbols

Students will use the greater than symbol > and the less than symbol >
