Kindergarten Shapes Worksheets (Geometry)

Kindergarten Geometry Worksheets


Students work with two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes in a variety of ways. They name some and recognize the difference between two and three dimensions. They describe the location of shapes and objects in relation to each other (e.g. in front of, behind, beside, etc.). They identify shapes that are similar or different from each other based on a given attribute, and they combine shapes to make larger shapes.

Shapes are used to teach about position. Students identify shapes that are above, below, beside, in front of, or behind another shape. Reinforce this position language by having students place objects on a table. Use this language to give directions. For example, Place the teddy bear in behind the toy car.

Students will also name and describe shapes based on the number of sides or corners and how many sides are the same length. Draw and cut out the following shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon. You can include these shapes in the position activity described above to give students practice identifying shapes. For example, one direction you could give is to Place the circle below the square. While playing this position game, have students describe the shapes they are using.

(See all Kindergarten Math Worksheets)

Worksheets (all activites are free, printable PDFs)

Identify Two-Dimensional Shapes

Students are introduced to circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, and hexagons. They choose a given shape from an assortment of shapes.

This math lesson meets these kindergarten common core standards: K.G.A.1, K.G.A.2

2D Shapes - Circles

Practice identifying and drawing two-dimensional circles with these given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)

2D Shapes - Squares

Practice identifying and drawing two-dimensional squares with the given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)

2D Shapes - Triangles

Practice identifying and drawing two-dimensional triangles with the given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)

2D Shapes - Rectangles

Practice identifying and drawing two-dimensional rectangles with the given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)

2D Shapes - Hexagons

Practice identifying and drawing two-dimensional hexagons with the given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)

2D Shapes - Identifying a Mix of Shapes

Practice identifying and drawing a mixture of two-dimensional shapes. (2 printable worksheets)

Identify Three-Dimensional Shapes

Students are introduced to cubes, cones, cylinders and spheres. They choose a given shape from an assortment of shapes.

This math lesson meets these kindergarten common core standards: K.G.A.1, K.G.A.2

3D Shapes - Cubes

Students will practice identifying and drawing three-dimensional cubes with the given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)

3D Shapes - Cones

Students will practice identifying and drawing three-dimensional cones with the given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)

3D Shapes - Cylinders

Students will practice identifying and drawing three-dimensional cylinders with the given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)

3D Shapes - Spheres

Students will practice identifying and drawing three-dimensional spheres with the given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)

3D Shapes - Mix of Shapes

Students will practice identifying and drawing a mixture of different three-dimensional shapes with the given worksheets. (2 printable worksheets)


Identify Position

Students find a shape in a picture and identify another shape that is near to it based on the position described.

This math lesson meets these kindergarten common core standards: K.G.A.1

Position - Above and Below

Students identify the shape above or below a given shape. (2 printable worksheets)

Position - Beside

Students identify the shape beside a given shape. (2 printable worksheets)

Position - In Front of or Behind

Students identify the shape in front of or behind a given shape. (2 printable worksheets)

Position - Next To

Students identify the shape next to a given shape. (2 printable worksheets)

Mix of Different Positions

Students identify shapes near a given shape based on the position described.


Compare Two- and Three-Dimensional Shapes

Students identify a shape as having two or three dimensions. They also compare sets of two- dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.

This math lesson meets these kindergarten common core standards: K.G.A.3, K.G.B.4

Two- or Three-Dimensional Shape?

Students identify shapes by their type—having two or three dimensions. (4 printable worksheets)

How Many Sides?

Students find two-dimensional shapes that have the same number of sides. (3 printable worksheets)

How Many Corners?

Students find three-dimensional shapes that have the same number of
corners. (3 printable worksheets)

Length of Sides

Students find two-dimensional shapes that have sides that are the same length. (2 printable worksheets)

How Many Faces?

Students identify which three-dimensional shape has more faces. (2 printable worksheets)

Counting Sides

Students tell how many sides each two-dimensional shape has. (3 printable worksheets)

Counting Corners

Students tell how many corners each two-dimensional shape has. (3 printable worksheets)

Compose Shapes

Students combine either two- or three-dimensional shapes to make a more complex shape.

This math lesson meets these kindergarten common core standards: K.G.B.5, K.G.B.6

Build Two-Dimensional Objects

Students use two-dimensional shapes to build an object. (4 printable worksheets)

Build a Shape

Students use two-dimensional shapes to build another shape. (4 printable worksheets)