1st Grade Numbers (Counting, Writing)

1st Grade Counting Worksheets

Reading and Writing Numbers

Students count objects and pictures, and count by rote up to 120. To support students in their development of counting skills, encourage students to count objects they see in their environment.

Students continue to learn counting sequences and will write numbers up to 120. Print out copies of the Number Charts to use with students every day. The first chart includes numbers up to 100. Students should master counting these numbers before using the second chart that includes numbers to 120. Reinforce counting skills by having students count everyday objects and write the number.

(See all 1st Grade Math Worksheets)

Worksheets (all activites are free, printable PDFs)


Students count pictures of up to 20 objects. If students have trouble keeping track of the objects they have counted, have students circle an object as it is counted.

Counting 1 to 10

Students will look at each problem and count the number of given objects. Then, they will write an answer in the blanks. These worksheets cover numbers 1 to 10.

Counting 1 to 20

Here, students will count the number of objects and write an answer in the blank. These worksheets focus on counting numbers 1 to 20.

Number Charts

Students count using sections of a number chart. This helps students identify patterns that help them remember the counting order and is the precursor to place-value understanding. Students should begin to recognize that the ones increase by one with each number but the tens increase after every 10 numbers.

1-100 Number Charts

Students are given part of a number chart and count on from the last number shown. Spend some time asking students to describe the patterns they see. Encourage them to use patterns when counting. Spend time each day having students count.

1-120 Number Charts

This sections of charts on these worksheets include any of the numbers from 1 to 120 but will focus more on the numbers greater than 100. Students can count on from any number and find missing numbers. Talk about how the tens continue after 100.


Using Numerals

Students have used numbers to count objects. Now they record the number of objects by writing a numeral up to 120.

Read and Write Numbers Up to 10

Students count a number of objects and write that number. This worksheet is limited to up to 10 objects.

Read and Write Numbers Up to 20

Students count a number of objects and write that number. This worksheet is limited to up to 20 objects.

Read and Write Numbers Up to 100

Students count a number of objects and write that number. Objects are grouped in sets of 10, so students can count by ones or by tens to find the total number. This worksheet is limited to up to 100 objects.

Read and Write Numbers Up to 120

Students count a number of objects and write that number. Again, objects are grouped in sets of 10, so students can count by ones or by tens to find the total number. This worksheet is limited to up to 120 objects.