Free Printable Graph Paper

Free Printable Mixed Set of Single and 4-Quadrant Graph Paper

Printable Graph Paper

Below you will find several different formats of free printable graph paper. Just download and print. There are several different sizes of grids including 1 inch graph paper, 1/2 inch, 3/8 inch and 1/4 inch. There are both labeled and unlabeled scales for 1- and 4-quadrant graphs as well. Check below for suggestions for ways to use each type of graph paper. All worksheets are free to use in class or at home and are printable in a PDF format.

Worksheets (all activites are free, printable PDFs)

Here are the different Graph Paper formats you can download

1-inch Grid Graph Paper

Use this printable graph paper with Kindergarten and 1st Grade students to make bar and picture graphs. Also, students can organize counters (one per square) to make them easier to count.

½-inch Grid Graph Paper

This size graph paper grid may be easier to use for graphs that require labels. Have students use this grid to draw maps. This is also a great size for students to use to record long computations. Writing single digits in each cell helps students keep digits aligned. Students can measure length to the nearest ½ inch by marking the starting and ending point of the object and labeling the half- and whole-inch marks in between.

1/4 Inch Grid Graph Paper

Use this graph paper to measure objects to the nearest quarter inch by marking the starting and ending point of the object and labeling the quarter-inch marks in between.

1/4 Inch Grid Dot Graph Paper

This paper is helpful to use when drawing two- and three-dimensional shapes. Students can also creat their own dot-to-dot drawing. Dots can be labeled with counting numbers, multiples, or coordinates to provide practice.

3/8 Inch Grid Graph Paper

Use this printable graph paper for modeling ones (1 cell), tens (1 by 10 rectangle), and hundreds (10 by 10 square). Students can draw these models to help them understand the size of 2- or 3-digit numbers, and also help with regrouping when adding or subtracting 2- or 3-digit numbers.

10 x 10 Graph Paper

This grid paper can be used to model whole numbers, decimals, or percents. Model base-ten blocks to represent whole numbers. The 10 by 10 grid can represent 100s. Draw 1 by 10 rectangles on the grid to represent 10s. Shade individual grid squares to represent 1s.

You can use the same paper to represent decimals and percents. The 10 by 10 grid represent 1 whole, or 100%. Each individual cell represents 0.01 or 1%.

Single Quadrant Graph Paper

This is the primary graph paper to use for large 1-quadrant graphs. Students can use this graph paper before they have learned how to label or use graphs with a scale greater than 1. Every fifth line is bold to help them visually find a point easier and as a precursor to using graphs labeled by 5s. The x-axis is labeled from 0 to 29 and the y-axis is labeled from 0 to 36.

Set of Four Single Quadrant Graph Paper

When students can work in a smaller format, use this printable graph paper when students have mulitple problems to graph. Both axes are labeled from 0 to 20.

4-Quadrant ¼-inch Grid Graph Paper

This is the primary graph paper to use for large four-quadrant graphs. The x-axis is labeled from -14 to 14 and the y-axis is labeled from -18 to 18.

Mixed Set of Single and 4-Quadrant Graph Paper

Use this paper when students are solving a mix of problems that have both one- and four-quadrant problems.

Set of Four 4-Quadrant Graph Paper

The graphs on this paper are large enough for most situations in which you need a 4-Quadrant graph. Each graph have axes labeled from -10 to 10.