1st Grade Math Worksheets

1st Grade Math

Introduction to First Grade Math

In Kindergarten, students were introduced to addition and subtraction. In Grade 1 students will learn strategies to help them add and subtract one-digit numbers. By the end of the year, students are expected to fluently add up to a sum of 10 and perform the related subtraction. Also key to Grade 1 is the development of place value skills, including grouping ones as tens to “build” two-digit numbers.

Printable Math Lessons

1st Grade Numbers (Counting, Writing)

Students continue learning to count up to 120. They can count forward and can start from any number. Students count a number of objects and record that number with a numeral.

1st Grade Addition Worksheets

Students first learn about addition in first grade using pictures and number lines in the context of an everyday situation. They learn that addition involves joining or putting together. Students work with pairs of numbers that have the same sum. Then they learn strategies, such as adding doubles and making ten. These strategies give students a tool to help them remember each sum. They won’t be able to commit the addition facts to memory without the help of these strategies. By the end of the year, students will be able to add 2 two-digit numbers.

1st Grade Subtraction Worksheets

Students follow a similar progression of subtraction skills as they did addition skills. They will start with everyday situations and using real objects or pictures to help them subtract. Then will learn that subtraction involves taking away, separating into two groups, or comparing. Then they will work with strategies, such as using addition to subtract or using a ten. Understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction is key in helping students commit subtraction facts to memory. By the end of the year, students will be able to subtract multiples of ten (e.g. 50 – 30).

1st Grade Graphing and Charts (Data)

Students organize data on picture charts, bar graphs, and in tally charts. They then use these representations to answer simple questions that involve counting, adding, or subtracting one-digit numbers.

1st Grade Place Value and Comparing Worksheets

To facilitate counting greater numbers of objects, and to introduce students to place value, students group objects in sets of tens and determine the number of tens and ones. Students use their understanding of tens and ones to compare. They use the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols to record comparison. If students find this challenging, ask comparing questions without using the symbols to determine if the confusion is with the symbols or with comparing. If the symbols are the challenge, provide a memory aid. One way to remember the symbols is to notice that the symbol always points to the lessor number.

1st Grade Measurement Worksheets

Students tell time to the nearest whole and half hour on both digital and analog clocks. They begin to learn about length by measuring with objects like paperclips and choose which object is longer than another.